Monday, 13 December 2010

Master and PhD Scholarships Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland.

The Graduate Institute awards several scholarships to Master and PhD students. Awards are based on academic merit and financial need.
There are three categories of scholarship:
  • Full scholarships: with a few exceptions, these are worth CHF 18,000. Recipients are exempt from Graduate Institute tuition fees; however they are still required to pay University of Geneva tuition fees. Some full grants are awarded subject to special conditions (duration of study and/or geographical origin of students).
  • Partial scholarships: the value of these grants varies according to the individual needs of the recipient student. These grants do not cover tuition fees which recipients of partial grants are required to pay.
  • Tuition scholarships: these grants cover tuition fees for one academic year. They are awarded to exceptional students.
Scholarships are awarded for one year, with the possibility of renewal.
The different scholarships awarded by the Institute include:
  • Scholarships from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, intended for nationals from countries of the South or countries in transition;
  • Scholarships financed by a Geneva-based foundation and granted to students from developing countries on the proviso that they undertake to return to their country at the end of their studies so that their fellow countrymen may benefit from their training;
  • Elemér Hantos scholarships awarded by the Fondation pour l’Europe centrale and intended for students from the region;
  • Fondation Ousseimi scholarships intended for students from Mediterranean countries;
  • One or two Tokyo Foundation scholarships usually awarded to PhD students;
  • Shelby and Kathryn Davis scholarships intended for PhD students from American universities or from Muslim countries;
  • Pierre du Bois scholarships intended for Latin-American students of the Institute’s International History and Politics PhD programme;
  • Gallatin scholarships intended to finance 10-months’ study by a PhD student in an American university of their choice;
  • The Washington DC Alumni Chapter Scholarship awarded to a first year PhD student from an American university;
  • Scholarships from an anonymous donor recommended by the Geneva-based CARIGEST SA and intended for Master’s students for the 2009-2010 academic year, scholarship requests must be submitted directly to the Institute;
  • A grant from the Bank SYZ & CO SA awarded to a Master’s student in economics for the 2009-2010 academic year.
Candidates who wish to apply for financial assistance must return the duly completed scholarship request form together with their application form by 15 January 2011.
Current students are also eligible to apply for scholarships to assist them with their studies. The deadline for applications is 30 May 2011.

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