Thursday, 16 December 2010

International PhD Studies in Fundamental Problems of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Field Theory, Poland.

This is to announce the second recruitment within the International PhD Projects Programme (MPD) at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. MPD is open internationally to all candidates satisfying conditions specified below. It is offering four years PhD program within quantum field theory for 5 students. The available research projects together with the list of the corresponding would-be-supervisors are shown here . For more details concerning MPD consult the web pages of the Foundation for Polish Science .
Application Requirements
The candidates wishing to apply should select a research project and a supervisor from the list and obligatory provide the following documents:
  1. Request for admission from Internet Candidate Registration System at the University of Warsaw. The registration will be opened in September 2011. The candidates have to register on-line via website In case of any difficulties contact the UW Admissions Office; e-mail:, telephone: +48225524043, +48225524048.
  2. Personal data sheet (download Polish or English version)
  3. Photo
  4. Opinion from the place of employment (in case of candidates who graduated in the past and started professional work).
  5. CV
  6. Candidates must be graduate of the post-graduate (2.-degree) studies in domains: physics, technical physics, mathematics. Copy of their graduation diploma must be submitted. His/her M.Sc. diploma must be with the grade: very good (or equivalent) and must be presented together with a detailed list of all courses taken and assessed (with grades obtained for each course) during the study period (the so-called diploma supplement in case of Polish students). Conditionally we also invite candidates who are going to receive their MSc diploma by September 14th, 2011.
  7. Letter-of-intent, i.e. a short (not more than two pages A4) description of his/her qualifications for particular research project the candidate would like to carry within MPD. He/she should point out how the former education (courses completed, skills acquired) make him/her most eligible for the given project. Letter-of-intent should be prepared in English.
  8. Two evaluations of his/her diploma thesis, prepared by:
    • the thesis tutor (it should include an estimate of candidate scientific activity performed so far)
    • thesis referee
  9. An address data (name, position, affiliation, office address, e-mail, telephone numbers) of at least one referee who might be contacted by the Admission Committee and asked to provide the recommendation letter for the applicant.
  10. A certificate proving fluency in English as a working language.
Additional documents
  1. Applicants whose scientific results have been already published should prepare a list his/her publications. In case of several-author articles, the candidate should try to evaluate approximately and state his/her contribution to the paper.
  2. Applicants who during the study period completed extra courses that may have connection with the target-project should present the adequate certificates and brief characterization of the courses.
  3. Applicants who successfully passed an entry examination to a PhD program (physics, mathematics and related domains) during last two years and completed no more than one year of the studies may also apply to the MPD program. For these candidates the requirements 1, 2, 3 and 4 do not apply. The candidates should present a reference letter of their tutors within the framework of the actual PhD program containing a detailed evaluation of candidate's abilities together with the approval of the present tutor of candidate's application to the MPD.
Recruitment procedure
The recruitment procedure consists of two stages: the first based on documents provided by a candidate, and the second based on an interview. Only candidates who pass the first stage will be invited for the interview. Documents submitted by the applicants will be considered by the Admission Committee composed of 4 to 6 persons, including the would-be-tutors in the MPD project, co-chaired by the persons in charge of the PhD Programme at the Faculty Physics of the University of Warsaw and invited experts. A person representing the Foundation for Polish Science will be invited to the Committee. Only candidates with the highest admission scores will be invited for the interview. In special cases candidates can be interviewed on-line or by the telephone. The Admissions Committee will decide on the form of the interview for each candidate. A supervisor selected by a candidate can participate in the interview but the final judgment is made solely by the Admission Committee. The admission decision is based on the total number of points obtained and with the positive opinion from the prospective supervisor. The total score achieved is not available to the applicant. Candidates have 14 days from the announcement of the decision to appeal the admission decision. The deadline for submitting applications is June 1st 2011. The second stage of the recruitment is scheduled for September 2011. All documents (in PDF format) should be submitted to the email address: Any question should be submitted to the same email address.

For more information and application procedures :

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