Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Fully Funded PhD Fellowships,K.U.Leuven Doctoral School Biomedical Sciences, Belgium.

Study Subject:
Biomedical Sciences

K.U.Leuven Doctoral School Biomedical Sciences


Scholarship Description:
The mission of the K.U.Leuven International Doctoral School Biomedical Sciences (Belgium) is to train young biomedical researchers to explore the fundamentals of living systems at all levels – from gene to cell to body and mind – and to leverage that knowledge to improve human health. For 2011 we can offer up to 16 fully-funded 

PhD positions in the following doctoral school programs:
Cancer: 1 fellowship
Cell Signaling and Therapeutics: 1 fellowship
Cognitive and Molecular Neuroscience: 2 fellowships
Drug Design and Development: From Target to Market: 2 fellowships
Immunology and Microbiology: 1 fellowship
Mechanisms of Human Disease: 2 fellowships
Molecular and Developmental Genetics: 2 fellowships
Molecular and Stem Cell Medicine: 5 fellowships

These positions are fully funded for 4 years.
Successful applicants will perform doctoral research under the supervision of a promoter who is affiliated to one of the doctoral school programs. In addition, the doctoral training includes thematic education and encourages PhD students to develop transferable skills. PhD students are expected to finalize the doctoral training and research within a period of four years. Applications are invited from enthusiastic (under)graduates in any relevant biomedical area with an excellent study track record.

The deadline for application is January 31st, 2011!!!

For more information about application procedure: 

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Yale World Fellows Program for Non-USA Citizens, USA.

Study Subject

Any Subject


Yale University



Selection Criteria                                                                                                                                            

The Yale World Fellows Program seeks applications from mid-career emerging leaders who have distinguished themselves within their own professions, regions, countries, or at an international level. Successful applicants uniformly possess the extraordinary qualities of mind and character that strong leadership requires. Candidates for the Fellowship must demonstrate themselves to be driving forces for action or effective catalysts of change. In significant ways and in significant arenas, each must show promise of a career trajectory of increasing responsibility and impact. Yale World Fellows are selected from a wide range of fields and disciplines including government, business, nongovernmental organizations, religion, the military, media, and the arts.
Criteria for selection include:
  • An established record of extraordinary achievement and integrity;
  • Commitment to engagement in crucial issues and to making a difference at the national or international level;
  • Promise of a future career of leadership and notable impact;
  • Special capacity for critical, creative, entrepreneurial, and strategic thinking;
  • Likelihood to benefit from participation in the Program and to contribute to global understanding at Yale;
  • Commitment to a rigorous program of activities, to full-time residence at Yale for the duration of the program, and to mentoring students and speaking frequently on campus.

Stipend and Living Arrangements in New Haven

In addition to underwriting all program and educational costs, Yale provides Fellows with housing and a travel allowance, as well as a stipend of $32,500 to cover living expenses. The World Fellows Program does its best to assist with arrangements for Fellows who are joined in New Haven by a spouse or dependent minors for the duration of the Program.
Having a family accompany a Fellow to New Haven for the duration of the Fellowship is a decision that should be made only after serious consideration and discussion with the Program staff. While the families of some Fellows have lived full-time in New Haven for the four months of the Program, the majority of World Fellows with families – especially those with children – find it considerably easier and more convenient to have their family members come for shorter visits. Spouses and partners with career flexibility do often come to New Haven for longer stretches, and it is sometimes possible for them to be included in a small number of World Fellows activities. More complicated is the important decision regarding whether or not to bring children. Placing school-age children into schools in New Haven is a complex and competitive process. Program staff can provide information and some assistance in making school arrangements; however, there is no guarantee that schools in the Yale University area will have the necessary openings. Placing younger children into daycare centers can also present challenges. Fellows wishing to bring young children to New Haven must have full-time care arrangements for them. Fellows are occupied for many hours each day, including many evenings. In all cases, the Fellow must consider the intensive nature and significant demands of the Program, as well as the impact that long days and evenings will have on a partner and/or children. 

Eligibility and Selection Process 


Nominations and applications for the Yale World Fellows Program are solicited from around the world. A Fellowship candidate must be a citizen of and reside in a country other than the United States. Preference may be given to candidates who have not had extensive educational or work experience in the United States, particularly at Yale. Candidates should be in the mid-career stage, at least five and typically not more than twenty years into their professional careers, with demonstrated work accomplishments, and a clear indication of future contributions and excellence. An excellent command of English is essential. Fellowship candidates must complete an online application and submit three confidential letters of recommendation. Regional panels review semifinalist candidates, and a final selection committee aims to assemble a Fellowship group that is diverse, geographically balanced, and representative of a wide range of professions, talents, and perspectives.

Online Nomination  


Please refer to the FAQ to learn what it means to "nominate" a candidate; candidates should not nominate themselves.
To nominate a candidate for the 2011 Program, click here.

Online Application


Please refer to the FAQ to learn more about the application process. The application deadline for the 2011 Program is Friday, January 14, 2011.
To begin an application, click here.

For more information and application process :

PhD Scholarship in Coral Reef Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Australia.


PhD Scholarship in Coral Reef Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Funding Body:

University of Sydney

Research Areas:

Sciences & Engineering


Postgraduate Research


This scholarship is funded by an ARC Discovery Project grant and will provide support for 3 years on a full-time basis for a research project leading to a PhD. The objective of the research project is to investigate the biologic and geologic response of the Great Barrier Reef to sea level and climate changes over the last 30 ka by generating and linking new observational data with numerical modelling. The project will investigate a unique suite of sediment cores and other data collected on the recent Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition (325) and the site survey cruise (


Applicants should have an Honours 1 or 2A degree (or equivalent) in earth and/or environmental science. Experience/background in carbonate sedimentology, coral reef biology and geology and/or numerical modelling of earth systems would be an advantage.

Amount awarded:

The scholarship stipend is $26,669 in 2010 (tax exempt).

Application guide:

For further information, contact Dr. Jody Webster (Phone: +612 9036 6538; Fax: +612 9351 0184; E-mail: Applications, including a curriculum vitae, copy of an academic transcript, proof of citizenship or permanent residency, the names and contact details of at least two referees should be sent to Dr Jody Webster, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney NSW 2006.

Closing date:

15 January 2011

For more information and application procedures :

PhD Student Position in Applied Chemistry: New Electrolytic Materials for Batteries and Fuel Cells, Sweden.

Application deadline 2011-01-07

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering conducts research in the fields of pure chemistry, biological engineering, applied chemistry and chemical engineering. The department is also the host for several large excellence centra such as SuMo, SUPRA, HTC, KCK, and the Chalmers part of WWSC.
The Applied Surface Chemistry group belongs to the Division of Applied Chemistry and has a leading research position in areas such as heterogeneous catalysis, nanomaterials, NMR diffusometry, surfactants and microemulsions. The research activities have the scope to develop new materials for a variety of applications, for instance in medical implants, marine paints, or fuel cells. The collaboration with industries is consequently very strong. The whole group consists of more than 50 employees, of which about 35 are PhD students. The international and interdisciplinary environment makes the Applied Surface Chemistry group a stimulating and dynamic place to work in.
Job description
The aim with this project is to contribute to the development of a cleaner and sustainable society by finding alternative ways to supply energy. Our goal is to improve the existing technologies for energy conversion devices, like Li-ion batteries or fuel cells, by developing alternative electrolytic materials to those conventionally used. The basic approach is to combine a solid matrix (for instance an oxide network) with a liquid phase (for instance an ionic liquid), and obtain a so-called gel. A key issue is to understand how structural modifications, on both the solid and the liquid phase, may affect the properties of the resulting material.
Different sol-gel synthesis routes will be investigated and the materials will mainly be characterized by NMR spectroscopy at the Swedish NMR center in Gothenburg. However, complementary techniques like rheology and infrared spectroscopy will also be employed. The project is experimental in its nature, even though the student should also be interested in modeling experimental data and achieving a physical understanding of the results.
The employment is for a period of 4 years and 3 months, whereof about ~ 5% is devoted to teaching or other duties at the Division. The remaining time is for research activities within the PhD project as well as for graduate courses. As a Chalmers employee the monthly salary will be set according to current salary agreements.
Required qualifications
The applicant to this position should have a Master degree in physical chemistry, applied chemistry, materials science or another relevant area. The student must be a highly motivated and self-driving person, should have a genuine interest in facing and solving scientific problems, and is supposed to have strong collaboration skills. Since the project is at the borderline between chemistry and physics, it is important that the student appreciates working in the lab as well as with theoretical tools. The knowledge of the Swedish language is desirable but not a must, whereas a good level of spoken and written English is required. The selected PhD student can start as soon as possible.
Application procedure
The application shall be written in English and include the following items:
  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)
The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents.Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2010/278) must be written on the first page of the application.
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Further information
If you are interested in this position and need more information please contact Dr. Anna Martinelli (, 031-772 3002) or Professor Magnus Nydén (
For further information about the research activities at our department look at On the web you can also learn more about 
ionic liquids and fuel cells technologies.

For more information and application procedures :

International PhD Studies in Fundamental Problems of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Field Theory, Poland.

This is to announce the second recruitment within the International PhD Projects Programme (MPD) at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. MPD is open internationally to all candidates satisfying conditions specified below. It is offering four years PhD program within quantum field theory for 5 students. The available research projects together with the list of the corresponding would-be-supervisors are shown here . For more details concerning MPD consult the web pages of the Foundation for Polish Science .
Application Requirements
The candidates wishing to apply should select a research project and a supervisor from the list and obligatory provide the following documents:
  1. Request for admission from Internet Candidate Registration System at the University of Warsaw. The registration will be opened in September 2011. The candidates have to register on-line via website In case of any difficulties contact the UW Admissions Office; e-mail:, telephone: +48225524043, +48225524048.
  2. Personal data sheet (download Polish or English version)
  3. Photo
  4. Opinion from the place of employment (in case of candidates who graduated in the past and started professional work).
  5. CV
  6. Candidates must be graduate of the post-graduate (2.-degree) studies in domains: physics, technical physics, mathematics. Copy of their graduation diploma must be submitted. His/her M.Sc. diploma must be with the grade: very good (or equivalent) and must be presented together with a detailed list of all courses taken and assessed (with grades obtained for each course) during the study period (the so-called diploma supplement in case of Polish students). Conditionally we also invite candidates who are going to receive their MSc diploma by September 14th, 2011.
  7. Letter-of-intent, i.e. a short (not more than two pages A4) description of his/her qualifications for particular research project the candidate would like to carry within MPD. He/she should point out how the former education (courses completed, skills acquired) make him/her most eligible for the given project. Letter-of-intent should be prepared in English.
  8. Two evaluations of his/her diploma thesis, prepared by:
    • the thesis tutor (it should include an estimate of candidate scientific activity performed so far)
    • thesis referee
  9. An address data (name, position, affiliation, office address, e-mail, telephone numbers) of at least one referee who might be contacted by the Admission Committee and asked to provide the recommendation letter for the applicant.
  10. A certificate proving fluency in English as a working language.
Additional documents
  1. Applicants whose scientific results have been already published should prepare a list his/her publications. In case of several-author articles, the candidate should try to evaluate approximately and state his/her contribution to the paper.
  2. Applicants who during the study period completed extra courses that may have connection with the target-project should present the adequate certificates and brief characterization of the courses.
  3. Applicants who successfully passed an entry examination to a PhD program (physics, mathematics and related domains) during last two years and completed no more than one year of the studies may also apply to the MPD program. For these candidates the requirements 1, 2, 3 and 4 do not apply. The candidates should present a reference letter of their tutors within the framework of the actual PhD program containing a detailed evaluation of candidate's abilities together with the approval of the present tutor of candidate's application to the MPD.
Recruitment procedure
The recruitment procedure consists of two stages: the first based on documents provided by a candidate, and the second based on an interview. Only candidates who pass the first stage will be invited for the interview. Documents submitted by the applicants will be considered by the Admission Committee composed of 4 to 6 persons, including the would-be-tutors in the MPD project, co-chaired by the persons in charge of the PhD Programme at the Faculty Physics of the University of Warsaw and invited experts. A person representing the Foundation for Polish Science will be invited to the Committee. Only candidates with the highest admission scores will be invited for the interview. In special cases candidates can be interviewed on-line or by the telephone. The Admissions Committee will decide on the form of the interview for each candidate. A supervisor selected by a candidate can participate in the interview but the final judgment is made solely by the Admission Committee. The admission decision is based on the total number of points obtained and with the positive opinion from the prospective supervisor. The total score achieved is not available to the applicant. Candidates have 14 days from the announcement of the decision to appeal the admission decision. The deadline for submitting applications is June 1st 2011. The second stage of the recruitment is scheduled for September 2011. All documents (in PDF format) should be submitted to the email address: Any question should be submitted to the same email address.

For more information and application procedures :

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Loughborough University Graduate School Development Trust Africa Scholarships, United Kingdom.

Information for 2011/2012
Loughborough University is delighted to announce full-fee scholarships for international full-time taught postgraduate students who are currently domiciled (permanently living) in Africa.
These will be known as the Loughborough University Graduate School Development Trust Africa Scholarships. The scholarships will cover 100% of the course fees for your chosen postgraduate taught course for one year (replacing any Departmental or Loughborough University scholarships or bursaries you may already have been awarded).
The scholarships are being funded through a combination of generous external funding and University funds. The University will award a limited number of scholarships and the standards required are very high.
Students will be expected to fund their travel and maintenance costs through other sources.

Application Process and Eligibility Criteria

For 2011 entry the scholarship application procedure is an open competition. Students may only apply for the scholarship after an offer for a place has been made. Students who are in possession of an offer (conditional or unconditional) of a place on a postgraduate taught course can apply for the scholarship using the application form which can be downloaded below.
The deadline for applications is 30th April 2011.
Applications will be initially shortlisted and the final decision on the awards will be made by a selection panel of senior staff of the University. The selection panel will use the following eligibility criteria when assessing applications:
  • Currently domiciled (permanently living) in Africa
  • Evidence of exceptional academic achievement (normally a 1st Class Honours Degree)
  • Commitment to return to their home country on completion of postgraduate programme
  • Evidence of the ability and commitment to making a significant contribution to their home country on their return
  • Full understanding of the costs involved in coming to study and live in the UK
  • Evidence of strong motivation and initiative to secure funds to cover the remainder of the costs involved
Applicants are advised to spend considerable effort ensuring that this application reaches the selectors in a form that is clear, well presented and which reflects your abilities and motivation.
The application form can be downloaded below, and should be returned (by post, fax or email) to:
International Office
Academic Registry
Loughborough University
Leicestershire LE11 3TU
Fax: +44 (0)1509 223971
The final closing date for applications is 30th April 2011, and applicants must not apply late. All those applying will be notified of the outcome of their application by email by the end of May at the latest.
Any award made to an applicant holding a conditional offer will be subject to those conditions being met in full. Applicants will also be expected to provide evidence of funds to cover their travel, living and maintenance costs and may be asked to pay a deposit towards their living costs as part of the conditions of the scholarship offer.

Further Information

Monday, 13 December 2010

Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarships (OCISS), United Kingdom.

These scholarships have been established by the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies to allow graduates to pursue study of benefit to the Muslim world.
The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies is a Recognized Independent Centre of the University of Oxford. It was established in 1985 to encourage the scholarly study of Islam and the Islamic world. The Centre provides a meeting point for the Western and Islamic worlds of learning. At Oxford it contributes to the multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary study of the Islamic world. Beyond Oxford, its role is strengthened by an international network of academic contacts. For more information, please go to

Am I eligible?

Candidates should be applying to start a new graduate course at Oxford.
Please ensure you meet the requirements for entry to your course, including English language requirements. See the Course Guide for more information.
Open to British Muslim students and students from the following developing countries in Asia and Africa: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Djibouti, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Indonesia, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen Arab Republic.
You must be able to show how your intended course of study is of relevance to the Muslim world. UK students must also be Muslims.

What does it cover?

100% of university and college fees, and a grant for living costs (the rate in 2010-11 was £11,700).
Awards are made for the full duration of a student's fee liability for the agreed course. If your scholarship is offered for a course lasting more than one year, the continuation of your scholarship each year is subject to an annual renewal process based on satisfactory academic progress. Scholars will be expected to write an annual report about their academic and social activities and achievements at the university.

How do I apply?

Apply at the same time as you apply to Oxford by selecting Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarships (OCISS) in the Funding Section of the University's Graduate Application Form.  Candidates should apply by Application Deadline 2 (7 January 2011 for Medical Sciences and Philosophy; 14 January 2011 for Said Business School applicants; 21 January 2011 for all other subjects).
You must also complete a Scholarship Supporting Statement and upload it together with your Graduate Application Form by the application deadline in order for your application to be complete.
If you do not apply in full by the deadline, you will not be considered for the scholarship, even if you have selected Oxford Centre for Islamic Studeis Scholarships (OCISS) on the Graduate Application Form.

How will I know if I have been successful?

Successful candidates will be notified by email by summer 2011 This webpage will be updated to show when all decisions have been made. If you have not heard from us by the time this notice is posted, then your application to this scheme has been unsuccessful. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are unable to contact unsuccessful applicants individually or provide feedback on applications.